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A Brief History

A Brief History

A Brief History


Wadi Rum has been inhabited for thousands of years by various groups of people struggling to survive in its harsh desert environment. The Nabateans once occupied Rum, leaving behind temples and structures. Local Bedouin people joined the Arab revolt led by Lawrence of Arabia during World War I against the occupying Turkish forces. Lawrence’s book refers to Wadi Rum and its imposing mountains.


Today, most people living in Rum are Bedouins who traditionally relied on herding goats. They are known for being hospitable and responsible for developing Rum as a tourist destination. In 1998, the Jordanian government declared Rum a protected area to conserve its unique natural and cultural history. With support from the World Bank, the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature was tasked with managing the area in a sustainable way to protect Rum’s desert habitats from the pressures of increasing tourism.

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